Submissions closed

Registration closed on May 12th 2024, keep in touch for the next edition by filling up the form at the bottom of the page or via our website.

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Why take part?

  • Learn how to make a 5 minute film via a short course.
  • Connect to local changemakers.
  • Get mentorship from pros.
  • Gain VIP access to the online awards, win prizes.
  • Demonstrate transferable skills and actions beyond academics

what to expect

Learn how to make a mini documentary by taking the "Filmmaking A Difference" course.

* No previous experience required!

Research the story you want to tell.

Explore your community and film.

Edit your video to 3-6 minutes max. 

Submit your film before the deadline!

* No fancy cameras required!

Get mentorship from Pros.

Join up to 3 live Q&A sessions with an expert storyteller.

All submitted films will get personalised feedback.

Shortlisted films will get feedback from world-class experts during our 'Oscars'. 

Join the AWARDS!

Winning entries will be featured in the 'Oscars' ceremony hosted during the Solutionary summit at the Munich International School and streamed internationally.

the curriculum

Join the competition and compete for the most impactful documentary while raising awareness around an issue that matters TO YOU!

    1. Welcome to Docathon!

    2. Everything You Need to Know

    3. Student Action Notebook

    4. Live Mentorship

    1. A filmmaking secret

    2. 3 questions you need to ask yourself

    3. Asking Meaningful Questions

    4. Types of Meaningful Questions or Prompts

    5. Student Action Notebook activity

    1. Introducing your Storyboarding mentor

    2. Storyboarding - What and Why?

    3. Storyboarding Techniques

    4. Storyboarding Tips & Tricks

    1. It's time to film! What you need to know

    2. Types of Shots

    3. B-Roll

    4. Audio

    5. DOs and DON'Ts: Filming Quiz

    6. Let's film!

    1. It's time to edit your film!

    2. Narrative

    3. A quick summary of next steps

    4. Video Editors

    5. Sound and Music

    6. Graphics

    7. DOs and DON'Ts: Editing Quiz

about the organizers

Pioneering education for over 50 years. MIS inspires the citizens of tomorrow. We send our students toward a future beyond our imagination, toward challenges that require complex, global and bold responses.

Make A Difference(MAD) has been connecting people to communities and changemakers since 2015. MAD Courses partners with communities & social entrepreneurs around the world to help tell their story using interactive video.

Competition Theme: 
Base 10 Changemakers

Demonstrate exponential impact. 

“The idea with base 10 is that you can create a change at a small scale, and it will have repercussions to larger scale actions and larger scale differences.”

By a student from the Munich International School

Work with an Inspire Citizens Consultant for 4 Individual Coaching Sessions to link your MAD DOCATHON experience to your curriculum or the learning goals of your school.


Join the Docathon innovator's list for long-lasting impact! We envision schools hosting their own Docathons, and and joining regional and global competitions each year. It's not just a one-time thing; it's an ongoing journey of creativity and impact. Ready to join the adventure?

Thank You